Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour is today

And yes, I took part in it. My lights were off. The laptop - shut down. T.V. - off. It makes me happy to know that people still believe that they can change the world. I understand that I'm naive about a lot of things in the world and that it's normal to be a college kid who comes out of college with the fresh idea of wanting to save the world and believing that it can happen. I hope I never let myself get jaded. I mean, if we all kept what we call our "naivety," the world could be so different. Why should a bunch of emerging adults be forced to give up dreams of being able to change the world? Why should we let it happen to us? And I know I'm naive in thinking this because the world and the people living in it just don't work that way. But I hope I never give up on the good parts of the world.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Sometimes I don't talk because I honestly just don't have anything I need or want to say.

Silence is also a form of communication.

I would love it if people took 10 minutes out of their day and just stopped talking. You can learn so much and understand a WHOLE LOT more when you're just watching people. Soooooo much.

The days are getting longer. :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's been a while...

The title says it all.

Not much time to write. Just thought I'd let the world know of the new exclamation sweeping the nation. The next time you are happy, sad, excited, or angry, simply exclaim:

"Speckin ob de speckled eggs!"*

You'll feel fulfilled and the respondent won't know what to do with themselves.
Off to sleep. Yes, I understand that I'm a college student going to bed at 10:30pm. (Speckin ob de speckled eggs!) I have a 7:30am biology/anatomy class tomorrow.

*Courtesy of a FB conversation with the Smetana on March 11, 2009.