I call it...

O! Professor, why must you speak?
Right out of my ears your words do leak.
A subject like this - more interesting than rocks
Has been transformed into a chore - folding the socks.
Woe is me! for your lectures, they bore
I fear I shall keel over if I should listen to one more.
Alas, I have 3 yet to go
Why must this class be my treacherous foe!?
El Matador - that's what my professor be
He kills sociology faster than can I sing off key.
Round and round in circles he speaks
Forever moving those old, wrinkled cheeks.
I suppose now is the time to leave
For masses of homework I must now heave.
'Tis been a pleasure speaking with thee
But I have 3 weeks yet til I be free.
So I shall end this complaint for my class
At least with an A I shall pass.
O'er the river and through the woods I go
Hopefully ne'er to have this professor no mo'
I really hope I never have this professor again. I've fallen to doing crossword puzzles and word searches in his lectures.
1 comment:
I've been falling behind in reading :-(
Well done though, well done. I particularly liked "But I have 3 weeks til I be free" a hint of ebonics..thats the way I like it.
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