Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour is today

And yes, I took part in it. My lights were off. The laptop - shut down. T.V. - off. It makes me happy to know that people still believe that they can change the world. I understand that I'm naive about a lot of things in the world and that it's normal to be a college kid who comes out of college with the fresh idea of wanting to save the world and believing that it can happen. I hope I never let myself get jaded. I mean, if we all kept what we call our "naivety," the world could be so different. Why should a bunch of emerging adults be forced to give up dreams of being able to change the world? Why should we let it happen to us? And I know I'm naive in thinking this because the world and the people living in it just don't work that way. But I hope I never give up on the good parts of the world.

1 comment:

RS said...

Earth Hour!!!

Yay...Did a lot of people participate? We had a special celebrationy thing in one of our tall buildings at school. We played mafia(I thought of ya'll)...Twas fun!..I was the mafia(except I didn't win because sunny looked at my paper and told eveyone I was the mafia).

But I agree...I just like to be jaded sometimes..because it is fun>

Also..I was excited because we were supposed to be able to see chicago shut off its lights...but we didn't :( I was vigorously watching the clock at 8 30..and none of the residence halls really participated(cept my floor!!:) Meanwhile downtown it was apparently very cool...I'm glad your still melissa...and not some crazy tatooed version of yourself hardened by civilization ;)