Wednesday, April 29, 2009

oh em gee

I'm going to Ecuador in 13 days.


I had my final Ecuador group meeting tonight and two students from Ecuador came in and spoke to us.

They made me love people from Ecuador. They talked about culture and how people will just come up to you and hug you and just care.

They also talked about the males there. It was entertaining. One of the women was like, "Have you ever heard of 'latin lovers?'" ;)

It was also really super nice to hear Spanish again. I miss it.

Alright. My disjointed thoughts must end for I have my anatomy/biology lab final tomorrow. Real finals start next week.

This is where I'll be my first day - Quito. (!!!!!!!ican'tbelievei'mgoingtoecuador!!!!!!!!!!yetistillhaven'tcometotermswith

Update as of 4/30/09: This is AMAZING in ALL senses of the word. Check it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ode to SOC 100

This one goes out to my one and only reader.

I call it...


O! Professor, why must you speak?
Right out of my ears your words do leak.
A subject like this - more interesting than rocks
Has been transformed into a chore - folding the socks.

Woe is me! for your lectures, they bore
I fear I shall keel over if I should listen to one more.
Alas, I have 3 yet to go
Why must this class be my treacherous foe!?

El Matador - that's what my professor be
He kills sociology faster than can I sing off key.
Round and round in circles he speaks
Forever moving those old, wrinkled cheeks.

I suppose now is the time to leave
For masses of homework I must now heave.
'Tis been a pleasure speaking with thee
But I have 3 weeks yet til I be free.

So I shall end this complaint for my class
At least with an A I shall pass.
O'er the river and through the woods I go
Hopefully ne'er to have this professor no mo'


I really hope I never have this professor again. I've fallen to doing crossword puzzles and word searches in his lectures.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Iron your troubles away!

What a crazy small iron.

I'd just like to say that I suck at ironing. My pants are still slightly wrinkled after a good 15 minutes of pure ironing fun. I do have to admit though, ironing is a very relaxing activity. So the next time you feel stressed, I recommend grabbing a pair of pants to iron (however ridiculous that sounds and IS).

Monday, April 6, 2009

So old.

I actually just need a 5 minute distraction.

I found this article and thought it was super interesting.

What I find most interesting is that what we're seeing now is what happened 17,000 years ago. Who knows what it looks like now? It's like some crazy form of time travel.

I feel tiny.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Earth Hour Update

Some amazing stats from a.k.a. possibly my most favorite blog ever.

•3929 cities, towns and municipalities in 88 countries across 25 time zones participated
•70 national capital city’s participated
•Some 996 global landmarks from mountains to historic buildings and modern architectural landmarks had officially registered to participate in the event. They include: the Pyramids and the Sphinx (Egypt), Eiffel Tower (France), Vatican (Italy), Acropolis (Greece), Big Ben (UK), the Las Vegas Strip and Empire State Building (USA), Christ the Redeemer (Brazil), Bird’s Nest (China) and the Petronas Twin Towers (Malaysia).

Dude. I think that's so cool.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm Irish...

So being at Purdue presents me with random thoughts everyday. Most recently - one of my really good picc friends, Hannah, found out that I was half-Asian and half-European. All of my life, mostly high school, *cough*sophomore year band camp under the tree *cough*, people have commented on how I was part Irish. The uniqueness of it and such. Well, here, at Purdue, where I'm friends with Hannah, the girl who's from a small town of middle-class white folk, being Asian has taken the place of being Irish. No profound thoughts about was just an interesting moment of realization.

[Photo = Hannah]

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


When I came across this picture, I couldn't help myself. This is what goes on in my mind every time I have a flash of brilliance.