Thursday, July 16, 2009

I know not

the point of this post.

I've been traveling around Chicago with nuns for the past few days. It's been really enjoyable.

Surprisingly enjoyable.

Party because they're just really amazing and fun people. And partly because I find it amusing and laughable that I'm walking around the city with a nun in her full get-up attached to my arm.

Perhaps a picture later?

What else...

Well, I found this site. It's like the peace corps only less hardcore. This seems more feasible. Peace corps has always been in my mind. Then after studying abroad in Ecuador and hearing my professor's own peace corps stories it was majorly in my mind as an option. I don't know if I could do it though. A minimum 2 year commitment, can't go if you have a dependent, can't go if you're married unless you go together, etc. I guess I have time to figure it out, but I don't see myself there right out of college. Maybe a few years after. After some work and some professional school and some more work. Who knows where I'll be then?

Anyways, the CCS is much more feasible. At this point.

What else else...

I can't wait for school to start up in August. I've never been this excited for school since the first day of first grade maybe. Marching band starts up too. I know that the chances of me getting cut are 0 to none but I still have butterflies reading the audition information. It's kind of refreshing.

This was me talking to myself pretty much wasn't it?

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