Wednesday, September 2, 2009


of this blog. I guess this is just a warning. Don't expect many updates.

Not on this one at least.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I know not

the point of this post.

I've been traveling around Chicago with nuns for the past few days. It's been really enjoyable.

Surprisingly enjoyable.

Party because they're just really amazing and fun people. And partly because I find it amusing and laughable that I'm walking around the city with a nun in her full get-up attached to my arm.

Perhaps a picture later?

What else...

Well, I found this site. It's like the peace corps only less hardcore. This seems more feasible. Peace corps has always been in my mind. Then after studying abroad in Ecuador and hearing my professor's own peace corps stories it was majorly in my mind as an option. I don't know if I could do it though. A minimum 2 year commitment, can't go if you have a dependent, can't go if you're married unless you go together, etc. I guess I have time to figure it out, but I don't see myself there right out of college. Maybe a few years after. After some work and some professional school and some more work. Who knows where I'll be then?

Anyways, the CCS is much more feasible. At this point.

What else else...

I can't wait for school to start up in August. I've never been this excited for school since the first day of first grade maybe. Marching band starts up too. I know that the chances of me getting cut are 0 to none but I still have butterflies reading the audition information. It's kind of refreshing.

This was me talking to myself pretty much wasn't it?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's time.

Let's just say that my day was less than good. What better a time than now to start up letsfrolic?

So yes, will be up and running by the end of tonight. :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Blog About a Blog

UPDATE: Little's work was featured on Inside Edition today. Quite loverly.

SuperForest is one of the blogs I regularly follow and today this was posted. Check it out because it's probably one of the most unique and beautiful things I've seen in a long while.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Coming Clean

I have an addiction.

I just opened up another youtube account. I also deleted 2 unused ones but still... I have the Brothers of the World account, one that I use anonymously just to favorite videos, and now I have one to actually personally use.

On that same note, I opened up two wordpress accounts within two days just to experiment with the site. But really now, did I need two of them?? [Sidenote: I think I like blogspot better.]

Speaking of blogspot, I now have three blogs. One from my first semester of college, this very one that you're reading, and one about happy things that is waiting to be used.

Might I also point out that I have 10+ journals/blank books just waiting to be written and doodled upon at home.

Let's analyze. I guess I just love the idea of a fresh page. There are so many different possibilities and outcomes. I like to create. The problem is actually acting and not just admiring.

I'm so addicted to these types of things.
Someone save me!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tiptoe through the tulips

I wanted to post something that made me happy just because we need to remind ourselves of what makes us happy. But then I decided to start a completely new blog only dedicated to such things. The plan is to post once per day once I get around to starting. Just a happy little thing.

So whenever I decide to start it up:

Monday, June 8, 2009

Well, I'm back.

I took a look at my last post and realized that I now know where that picture was taken. I was in that exact spot. The Virgin of Quito.

Ecuador was amazing beyond belief, and I felt like it came at the perfect time. By the end of my freshman year at Purdue I was so closed off and restricted and just not able to be myself. Then I traveled to Ecuador 4 days after moving back home.

It was wonderful.

I learned and grew as much in Ecuador in only 2 weeks as I did during my entire freshman year. --Freshman year = huge growth. Don't get me wrong.-- Ecuador was just so different and new and open that I was able to grow exponentially. I could blog for pages and pages about Ecuador but I feel that my stories are best suited for other forms of communication. I'll leave you with my top 3 photos of over 1000.

I lied. There are many more pictures that deserve the top 3 spots. But that's up for discussion.

Here's my own version of that previous image of Quito that I had found on Google.

10 points if you know what the blog title is referencing

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

oh em gee

I'm going to Ecuador in 13 days.


I had my final Ecuador group meeting tonight and two students from Ecuador came in and spoke to us.

They made me love people from Ecuador. They talked about culture and how people will just come up to you and hug you and just care.

They also talked about the males there. It was entertaining. One of the women was like, "Have you ever heard of 'latin lovers?'" ;)

It was also really super nice to hear Spanish again. I miss it.

Alright. My disjointed thoughts must end for I have my anatomy/biology lab final tomorrow. Real finals start next week.

This is where I'll be my first day - Quito. (!!!!!!!ican'tbelievei'mgoingtoecuador!!!!!!!!!!yetistillhaven'tcometotermswith

Update as of 4/30/09: This is AMAZING in ALL senses of the word. Check it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ode to SOC 100

This one goes out to my one and only reader.

I call it...


O! Professor, why must you speak?
Right out of my ears your words do leak.
A subject like this - more interesting than rocks
Has been transformed into a chore - folding the socks.

Woe is me! for your lectures, they bore
I fear I shall keel over if I should listen to one more.
Alas, I have 3 yet to go
Why must this class be my treacherous foe!?

El Matador - that's what my professor be
He kills sociology faster than can I sing off key.
Round and round in circles he speaks
Forever moving those old, wrinkled cheeks.

I suppose now is the time to leave
For masses of homework I must now heave.
'Tis been a pleasure speaking with thee
But I have 3 weeks yet til I be free.

So I shall end this complaint for my class
At least with an A I shall pass.
O'er the river and through the woods I go
Hopefully ne'er to have this professor no mo'


I really hope I never have this professor again. I've fallen to doing crossword puzzles and word searches in his lectures.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Iron your troubles away!

What a crazy small iron.

I'd just like to say that I suck at ironing. My pants are still slightly wrinkled after a good 15 minutes of pure ironing fun. I do have to admit though, ironing is a very relaxing activity. So the next time you feel stressed, I recommend grabbing a pair of pants to iron (however ridiculous that sounds and IS).

Monday, April 6, 2009

So old.

I actually just need a 5 minute distraction.

I found this article and thought it was super interesting.

What I find most interesting is that what we're seeing now is what happened 17,000 years ago. Who knows what it looks like now? It's like some crazy form of time travel.

I feel tiny.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Earth Hour Update

Some amazing stats from a.k.a. possibly my most favorite blog ever.

•3929 cities, towns and municipalities in 88 countries across 25 time zones participated
•70 national capital city’s participated
•Some 996 global landmarks from mountains to historic buildings and modern architectural landmarks had officially registered to participate in the event. They include: the Pyramids and the Sphinx (Egypt), Eiffel Tower (France), Vatican (Italy), Acropolis (Greece), Big Ben (UK), the Las Vegas Strip and Empire State Building (USA), Christ the Redeemer (Brazil), Bird’s Nest (China) and the Petronas Twin Towers (Malaysia).

Dude. I think that's so cool.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm Irish...

So being at Purdue presents me with random thoughts everyday. Most recently - one of my really good picc friends, Hannah, found out that I was half-Asian and half-European. All of my life, mostly high school, *cough*sophomore year band camp under the tree *cough*, people have commented on how I was part Irish. The uniqueness of it and such. Well, here, at Purdue, where I'm friends with Hannah, the girl who's from a small town of middle-class white folk, being Asian has taken the place of being Irish. No profound thoughts about was just an interesting moment of realization.

[Photo = Hannah]

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


When I came across this picture, I couldn't help myself. This is what goes on in my mind every time I have a flash of brilliance.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour is today

And yes, I took part in it. My lights were off. The laptop - shut down. T.V. - off. It makes me happy to know that people still believe that they can change the world. I understand that I'm naive about a lot of things in the world and that it's normal to be a college kid who comes out of college with the fresh idea of wanting to save the world and believing that it can happen. I hope I never let myself get jaded. I mean, if we all kept what we call our "naivety," the world could be so different. Why should a bunch of emerging adults be forced to give up dreams of being able to change the world? Why should we let it happen to us? And I know I'm naive in thinking this because the world and the people living in it just don't work that way. But I hope I never give up on the good parts of the world.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Sometimes I don't talk because I honestly just don't have anything I need or want to say.

Silence is also a form of communication.

I would love it if people took 10 minutes out of their day and just stopped talking. You can learn so much and understand a WHOLE LOT more when you're just watching people. Soooooo much.

The days are getting longer. :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's been a while...

The title says it all.

Not much time to write. Just thought I'd let the world know of the new exclamation sweeping the nation. The next time you are happy, sad, excited, or angry, simply exclaim:

"Speckin ob de speckled eggs!"*

You'll feel fulfilled and the respondent won't know what to do with themselves.
Off to sleep. Yes, I understand that I'm a college student going to bed at 10:30pm. (Speckin ob de speckled eggs!) I have a 7:30am biology/anatomy class tomorrow.

*Courtesy of a FB conversation with the Smetana on March 11, 2009.

Friday, January 23, 2009

What I've been up to...

Exactly what am I doing at Purdue right now? Well, other than the rigorous class schedule and occasional GABS performance I've found some time to doodle. Let's take a look shall we? To the left you see a wonderful triangle piece done during my power hour sociology class. It's not that the subject doesn't interest me. It's just that the professor's presentation style and way of speaking can never and won't ever capture my attention.

I will now take you on a journey of doodles. Here were a few from my introductory psychology course (professor - excellent, information to learn - easy peasy):

Although the doodles grow in number, rest safely assured that I do take my education here seriously. Purdue has been a great fit for me, and for the most part I really have no complaints. Before I give you the next set of sociology doodles, let me just roll my second semester classes off. Let's see, there's chemistry and biology/anatomy (both of which have labs), sociology, an introduction to nursing, an introduction to child development, and lastly, orchestra. Crazy-hard music after reading nothing but marching charts but hey, as long as I get to play.

The wonderful world of sociology:

Hey yo. I'll be back soon.*Moe

P.S. If you want to see any of the sketches in detail, just click on an image to view a larger version.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pines, pins, and other pointy things

I really have no plan for this other than to occasionally post a word or two because writing is good for you. Online writing is good for trees.

And sanity is good for both people and trees alike.

My pencil is also pointy. No, it's not mechanical. Yes, it's still in use because Purdue University requires it to be.
My finger can be pointy too. It likes pointing at piano keys, crescent moons, and awkwardly large mustaches.

* * *
Leave a comment whenever you'd like to.